Turkey is Preparing an Invasion of Northern Syria

The Turkish army is preparing to invade northern Syria east of the Euphrates. President Erdoğan presided over a Defense Council on August 1 and appointed new senior commanders for this operation.

On 3 August 2019, the Turkish government rejected the US proposal for joint control of the so-called “Rojava” occupied area, which is supposed to be governed by a newly arrived Kurdish population.

During the 1980s, Turkey regarded the Kurds as a minority destined to be forcibly “turqued”. Hundreds of thousands of them, attached to their culture, fled to Syria where they were granted political asylum. However, after the arrest of their leader, Abdhullah Öcallan, their organizations were gradually penetrated by the United States and Israel.

In contrast, after the failed coup d’état in 2016, Turkey demanded the patriotism of its citizens. It considers as enemies the populations, including Kurds, who have become mercenaries of the Pentagon. Thus, Ankara does not hesitate to appoint to positions of responsibility Turks of Kurdish ethnicity who are loyal to the country, but does not hesitate to massacre those who have made allegiance to a foreign state, even if it is an ally within NATO.

Of course, the Turkish refugees do not believe in the sincerity of this ideological change in Ankara. But, conversely, Ankara does not believe in the evolution of the PKK, which has gone from being pure and hard Marxism-Leninism to soft anarchism from one day to the next.

The Turkish General Staff intends to impose a border area, about 30 km deep, on Syrian territory that it would occupy. It intends to relocate Syrian refugees currently residing in Turkey.

In the 2000s, Syria demanded the disarmament of Turkish refugees of Kurdish ethnicity and allowed the Turkish army to pursue elements that would attack it from its territory. The Turkish army was able to penetrate a 30-kilometre deep area, calculated according to the range of artillery at the time.

Syria has always feared that this facility would be exploited by Turkey to annex the much larger territory, including Aleppo, claimed by the Kemalists since the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.
