US Created ISIL to Extend So-Called War on Terror

Professor Hall: US Created ISIL to Extend So-Called War on Terror

“The fiasco of this coalition (anti-ISIL) of countries following the US government, acting once again as a proxy for the Israeli regime, is rooted in the failure to expose the lies and crimes of 9/11. It seems ISIL is being set up to take over the role once assigned to al-Qaeda, whose image was doctored and finessed to provide an all-purpose enemy giving supposed justification for the so-called Global War on Terror,” said Professor Hall in an exclusive interview with Fars News Agency.

Elsewhere in the interview, Dr. Hall underscored that the US and its allies are making all-out effort in order to disintegrate Iraq and also overthrow President Bashar al-Assad in order to further expand the territories of the Israeli regime.

Anthony James Hall is Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. Professor Hall earned his Ph.D. in History at the University of Toronto. His scholarship and activism began with the study of the encounter between Indigenous peoples and the empires of France, Britain, Spain and Portugal in the Western Hemisphere. This saga of colonial expansionism culminated in the rise of the transcontinental, then hemispheric, and then worldwide empire of the United States which increasingly takes its direction from the Israeli regime, he says. His most recent books are the “American Empire and the Fourth World” as well as “Earth into Property: Colonization, Decolonizaton, and Capitalism”.

What follows is the full text of our interview with Professor Anthony James Hall:

Q: The ISIL Takfiri terrorists operating in Iraq and Syria are causing havoc for serving US interests in the Middle East. Many analysts are of the opinion that the ISIL is the product of the US polices in the region. What’s your take on that? What objectives are US and its allies pursuing by waging another war in the Middle East?

A: The fiasco of this coalition (anti-ISIL) of countries following the US government, acting once again as a proxy for the Israeli regime, is rooted in the failure to expose the lies and crimes of 9/11. It seems ISIL is being set up to take over the role once assigned to al-Qaeda, whose image was doctored and finessed to provide an all-purpose enemy giving supposed justification for the so-called Global War on Terror.

Near the end of the Cold War the CIA acting through Pakistan built up the mujahadeen in Afghanistan as a mercenary proxy army to overthrow the Soviet-backed puppet regime in Afghanistan. It was the CIA that gave part of this fighting force the name al-Qaeda. Rather than actually investigate what really happened on 9/11, the US government and its extensions in the Zionist-controlled mass media immediately blamed al-Qaeda. The image of al-Qaeda was cultivated to help foment Islamophobia and to provide a replacement enemy after the demise of the Soviet Union. The US military-industrial complex was thus expanded and enriched even as the Israeli regime became the big beneficiary by transforming its regional enemies into the enemies of the so-called West.

The same sort of tactics resulting in the manipulation of a constructed imagery of al-Qaeda to advance the geopolitical agendas of the US government and its Israeli directors is now being re-enacted with this war against the concocted enemy ISIL (DAESH). As was the case with the mujahadeen in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia has a significant role as a sponsor of ISIL.

One part of the agenda in creating ISIL as a concocted caricature of jihadist extremism is to enable the makers and beneficiaries of the Global War on Terror, primarily the Israeli entity and the US-based arms merchants, to update and re-brand the culture of fear and Islamophobia necessary for the continuation of the seemingly never-ending 9/11 Wars.

Another related aspect of the agenda is the goal of breaking up Iraq into smaller units as well as a return to prior efforts to overthrow the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad. Both these scenarios would help realize the geopolitical strategy outlined by the Israeli journalist Oded Yinon who in the 1980s when he devised a divide-and-conquer strategy in the Middle East to best serve the interests of the Jewish entity. This balkanization of the region might be a prelude to the further territorial expansion of the Israeli regime.

Q: The US formed an international coalition in September to battle ISIL terrorists operating in Iraq and Syria through aerial bombardments. The air strikes have so far failed to stop the military gains of the Takfiri group. For what purposes are such attacks being launched? Is the so-called anti-ISIL coalition aimed at toppling the government in Syria?

A: While there was much talk after 9/11 of the need to direct preemptive war at non-state entities in the name of the Global War on Terror, the US government chose instead to invade the nation states of Afghanistan and Iraq in order to impose governments more to their liking. This emerging coalition of national governments lining up to attack an entity which is not a state is, therefore, setting a precedent in the conduct of warfare, a very dangerous and slippery precedent in my view. ISIL is the constructed enemy to provide cover for the enemies of a strong and pluralistic Syria to break up the country and plunge the region more deeply into sectarian and ethnic violence and civil war. If this plan was to succeed, it would lead to the kind of chaotic outcome in Syria and beyond similar to what we are currently witnessing in post-Gaddafi Libya.

Q: The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group has been committing heinous crimes in Iraq and Syria, including mass executions and beheading of men, women and children. Many political commentators maintain that an international fact-finding commission ought to be formed in order to prosecute the ISIL and its backers under international law. What do you think?

A: There are powerful forces aligned against any genuine fact-finding process to explain the background of ISIL. The leadership of the governments lining up to be part of this new chapter in the fraudulent “War on Terror” do not want authoritative studies on who is funding ISIL and who is providing its militants with weapons, training and pay. They do not want authoritative explanations at the UN or elsewhere bringing to light understanding of those agencies, individuals and countries funding ISIL and what they intend to achieve with their backing. This preference for deception and obfuscation on the subject of ISIL extends the project of attempting to keep people in North America and Europe as ignorant as possible about the real causes and purposes of the 9/11 debacle. In the empire of lies, truth is a threat.