Russia: Syrian Opposition Allies Plan Provocations Involving Slavs to Defame Russia

Jan 11, 2013

MOSCOW, (SANA)_ The Syrian opposition allies are preparing provocative operations involving Slav mercenaries in a bid to defame Russia’s reputation as one of the mediators in the negotiation process, a Russian military diplomatic source said Friday.

The source added the interested states are recruiting Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian citizens who should play the role of Russian “mercenaries”, allegedly fighting for the regime in Syria.

“According to the scenario, these mercenaries will be taken as prisoners by the armed terrorist groups of the so-called free army and will then testify on camera, ” the source said.

It added that plots to that end are due to be filmed in Turkey and Jordan, where large-scale scenery of allegedly destroyed Syrian cities has long since been built and has been actively used for misinformation purposes.

The source pointed to the United Nations’ charge of Russia of supporting the Syrian leadership and to the news broadcast by the Western media to instigate the issue of sending Russian arms to Syria.

It said that the aim of this provocation is to accuse Russia of interfering directly in the events in Syria and to denude it of its role as a mediator in the negotiation process.

According to the source this will enable the interested states of the West and the Middle East to create the necessary conditions for changing the regime in Syria.

Ghossoun /

Russia: Naval Units of Black Sea Fleet to Conduct Exercises off Syria’s Shores 

Jan 11, 2013

MOSCOW, (SANA)- The Russian Defense Ministry has announced that Russian warships will conduct naval exercises off the Syrian shore.

In a statement issued on Friday, the Ministry said Russian naval units of the Black Sea Fleet will conduct maneuver exercises close to Syria’s shores in the framework of arrangements to carry out a big exercise project in the Mediterranean.

Reported by Moscow news agency, the statement noted that units from other Russian fleets will take part in these exercises.

It clarified that a tactical set of the Black Sea Fleet units, foremost is cruiser ‘Moscow’, will conduct the maneuver exercises in the eastern Mediterranean.

In the same context, a source at the Russian General Staff told the Russian Interfax news agency that warships from several Russian fleets will conduct joint exercises in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Russian Foreign Ministry earlier revealed that the Russian naval forces started arrangements to carry out “unprecedented exercises” in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea at the end of January 2013.

Units from four Russian fleets will participate in these exercises, which are the North Sea Fleet, the Baltic Sea Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet.

The aim of these exercises is forming a group of forces outside Russia’s borders and drawing out a work plan for it and implementing this plan, in addition to boosting the capabilities and skills of the Russian naval forces members.

H. Said